LAGeSo Pictures
LAGeSo Project |
LAGeSo Video
Water colours
__52-52725_13-34790, Berlin,
watercolour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
in the entrance hall, which became the exhibition room later,
a child plays music on a smartphone, I sit on a staircase,
water colour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
started at the LAGeSo, further painted on the re:publica, completed on a wooded area,
water colour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
outside on the grounds of LAGeSo in the morning, it is not so crowded and the sun is shining,
water colour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
in the crowded waiting room of LAGeSo,
water colour, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
on the grounds of LAGeSo in the midst of many people, the sun is shining, it is warm,
water colour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
outside on the grounds of the LAGeSo, spring begins, tender green leaves grow on the trees,
water colour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
out on the grounds of LAGeSo, it's still pretty cold, but the sun is shining,
water colour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
6° C,
52.52725° N, 13.34790° E, LAGeSo Berlin,
watercolour, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
Outside on the grounds of LAGeSo, it is the first picture, it is still very cold, the trees don't have leaves.
Digital montages
_refugees-waiting_dig-mont_1587_w-3888-5184, LAGeSo,
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
_waiting-room_dig-mont_1618_w-3888-5184, LAGeSo,
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
video still, LAGeSo, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
_sach_1719_detail3, LAGeSo,
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
_sach_1719_detail2, LAGeSo,
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
there are always many people around me, I paint many dots -
they represent the people and the voices and sounds,
digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
_1426_skizze, LAGeSo,
video still, digital montage (Kirsten Kötter)
Interpreters in their room, waiting for an interview
Dolmetscher in ihrem Raum, warten auf Anforderung,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
_52-52725_13-34790_lageso_skizze1, Security Staff, sketch, detail (Kirsten Kötter)
waiting room in the LAGeSo,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
security staff in front of the entrance to the LAGeSo,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
security staff in front of the entrance to the LAGeSo,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
_52-52725_13-34790_lageso_skizze, Fasila painted the trees,
sketch, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter
Bocarras Hunguana, a photographer living in Berlin,
sketch, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
refugees and security staff in front of the tents,
sketch, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
refugees in front of the tents,
sketch, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
refugees in the waiting room,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
refugees in the waiting room and in the exhibiton room,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
refugees waiting outside in front of the LAGeSo,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
refugees waiting, talking and sleeping in the sun at noon in front of the LAGeSo,
sketch, 24 × 32 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
refugees waiting outside, it is cold,
sketch, 17 × 24 cm (Kirsten Kötter)
LAGeSo Project |
LAGeSo Video